Vedic Astrology helps in deciphering what the planets have in store for various aspects of a person’s life such as Education, Health, Career, Marriage etc. While each aspect has its own importance & relevance, Marriage is arguably the most crucial aspect of one’s life as it marks a new beginning in the life of the person and brings about phenomenal changes in his/her life. Vedic Astrology helps in knowing how the marital aspect of a person is slated to pan out based on the position of different planets in his/her Janam Kundli. People before getting married Talk to Astrologe r to know how is their married life poised to unfold and how by means of certain astrological remedies that are specific to their Janam Kundli, can they minimize the hurdles signified in their marital journey by pacifying the ill placed planets of their Kundli and at the same time attract the positive energies of planets that are favourably placed so that they end up enjoying a bli...