Learn the ‘Magic of Numbers’ by our Online Numerology Course

Numbers are not just mathematical identities used for arithmetic purposes but are subtle entities that have enormously powerful mystical dimensions attached to them.

Every number vibrates on a particular frequency and is associated with a specific planet out of the nine planets from the science of Vedic Astrology or Astrology.

Therefore, Numerology which is the occult science that deals with the role & effects of numbers in our lives have a very profound relationship with the science of Astrology!

The revelations that can be made about the various domains of a person’s life by Numerology, is simply amazing. The effects of numbers upon us are extremely phenomenal and they play a decisive role in shaping our destiny!

Numbers bring in the vibrational energies of different planets in our lives. However, whether the underlying planetary energy will be positive or negative, depends upon the state of a particular number for us.

Read More: https://www.futurepointindia.com/article/en/learn-the-magic-of-numbers-by-our-online-numerology-course-10399



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